lionessroarThis blog is authored by me, Asha Oshun, an eternal student of life.  I’ve never quite gotten the hang of meditation, since my mind is always going.  (How do you just sit there and not think about ANYTHING?)  Writing helps alleviate that.  If you are reading this, then I apologize in advance.  And – wow – thank you.

You’ll probably learn more about me by reading my blog posts, but yeah – I like lions first, then cats, then dogs… Wait.  First I like my family – my kids, etc.  THEN lions, then cats, then dogs, then babies & kids, then other people.  I’ve been a teacher for many years.  I do like kids a lot.  They make you see the world from a completely different perspective, and that’s cool.

I love the ocean.

I actually love a lot of things that I didn’t list above.  Horses, fire, swords, camping, popcorn, and peach-flavored Outshine bars.  Especially that last thing.  mmm.

Enough about me. 🙂